How to choose Kitesurfing equipment for beginners

How to choose Kitesurfing equipment for beginners

When it comes to choosing kitesurfing equipment, there are several factors to consider, but the most important ones are:

  • Your weight
  • Your preferred spot (the place where you intend to kitesurf most often)

For example, if we consider a spot where the average wind intensity varies between 10 and 20 knots and a weight ranging from 75 to 85 kg, the kite size to consider is around 12.0 square meters. If your weight exceeds 85 kg, you might consider purchasing a kite of 13/14 square meters. Beyond 105 kg, you might also consider kites of 16.0 / 18.0 square meters (above 115 kg). For weights below 75 kg up to 65 kg, you could opt for a kite of 11.0 / 10.5 square meters. For weights below 65 kg up to 50 kg, a kite of 9.0 / 8.0 square meters would be suitable, while for weights below 50 kg up to 45 kg, a kite of 7.0 square meters would be ideal.

When buying a kite for beginners, it is essential to consider the effectiveness of the safety system. It is therefore advisable to opt for a relatively recent kite, capable of being easily depowered and allowing a wide range of use in different wind conditions. Generally, each kite manufacturer provides information on the wind range within which the kite can be safely used. Total Depower kites, such as Bow-kites, S.L.E. (Supported Leading Edge), and hybrid kites, offer greater safety. It is advisable to opt for a kite produced from 2009 onwards. It is important to check the condition of the used kite, including the fabric, the effectiveness of the safety systems (quick-release), the wear of the pulleys, the bar, and the kite lines, as well as the pressure of the air chambers (bladder and leading edge). It is advisable to leave the kite inflated for 20-30 minutes to detect any air leaks.

Regarding the choice of the kitesurfing board, the factors to consider are similar to those for choosing the kite, namely the rider's weight and the preferred spot. However, choosing the board is simpler because the same board size can accommodate people with different weights. Again, manufacturers offer entry-level boards at competitive prices, both new (from € 390 to € 490) and used (starting from € 150). It is advisable to start with a board of suitable size for your weight, with a recommended length between 136 and 150 cm and a width not exceeding 42/43 cm.

In summary, relying on established brands in the industry, which offer safe, high-performing products suitable for different skill levels, is essential for anyone looking to approach the world of kitesurfing with maximum safety and enjoyment.


Photo Credit: photokitesurf

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